
Our Lab

Located in the Cancer and Genetics Research Center, our lab is equipped with all the necessary resources and tools needed to investigate the mechanisms of Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) and Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS), using biochemical techniques, cell culture, and mouse models.

Cell and Tissue Culture with In-Lab Flow Cytometer

Using cell-line and mouse models of Leukemia, we have the facilities needed to develop and study models that allow us better to understand the underlying mechanisms of AML and MDS and work towards more effective therapies.

man using cell culture hood

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Tools

Perhaps just as important as the reagents themselves, our lab is full of expertise on standard molecular biology and biochemistry protocols, including Viral Transduction, Western Blot, qPCR, Cloning, Genotyping, Cell Growth Analysis, and other biochemical technologies. The lab is equipped with machines for all the above molecular biology analyses.

woman holding glass bottles

Blood Analysis, Protein and Gene Expression, and More

Equipped with machinery ranging from standard RT-PCR machines to advanced hematology system analyzers, our lab is home to the tools needed to pursue topics on the frontiers of hematology and oncology research.

researchers looking at petri dish

Shared Resources and Facilities

The UF Health Cancer Center provides the University of Florida cancer scientists with state of the art technology, coupled with scientific expertise to foster and facilitate outstanding.

NextGen Sequencing

The NextGen DNA Sequencing Core provides high quality, massively parallel, high-throughput sequencing services covering a broad range of applications for biological research including transcriptome analysis, targeted genome and variant analysis, microbiome analysis, epigenetics, and de novo genome assembly.

micropipette and tube